WhatsApp on its initial announcement in January of its new Privacy Policy terms that shocked the users around the world; gave a deadline- 15 May 2021. It says the users need to accept the policy update else it will lead to account deletion. February 8 was the initial deadline given to the users to accept the terms. On the announcement, WhatsApp had faced severe fallout from the users & people started thinking over their preference on other chatting app like Signal & Telegram. “WhatsApp Removes Privacy Policy Update” (1)
Now, recent news states that WhatsApp declared that no account will be deleted on May 15 for not accepting the app policy. A spokesperson from the company has said to an email query, “No accounts will be deleted on May 15 because of this update & no one in India will lose functionality of WhatsApp either. It is also said, “We will follow up with reminders to people over the next several weeks.” The company still hasn’t clarified the decision behind this decision- just that there is still a majority of users who didn’t accept the policy till now.
WhatsApp has said that they are not sharing any user data with its parent company, Facebook. But the user’s backlash over this issue has forced them to postpone the February deadline to May 15. The company spent the last few months clearing the misinformation & confusion among the users. The spokesperson said that the new WhatsApp update does not impact the privacy of any user. It is solely to provide information about new options for the future that might benefit the people. “WhatsApp Removes Privacy Policy Update”
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