Pirate Kings Free Spins- TIPS & TRICKS

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Pirate Kings is definitely a fun game where you build your own islands and for that you need cash. This can be done by attacking your friends, spinning wheel or stealing can from other islands. So here are some Pirate Kings Free SpinsTips & Tricks that could help you to earn free coins and improve your gameplay.

Pirate Kings Free Coin by spinning  the Wheels

1. In Pirate Kings you can earn free coins by spinning the wheels. In the game you get free spins at a period and you need to use it to earn coins. The spins per hour also depends on your level ie. the higher your island level, the more chances to spin every hour. You can also buy coins if you want but I’d say don’t do it. Don’t spend petty cash on such things as it is expensive.

Pirate Kings Free Cash by attacking island

2. One way to earn cash in Pirate Kings is attacking your friend/enemy island. To do so you just have to land of the attack tile on when and that’s it. On doing so you can attack any random island you want and as a result you get reward. Somehow if your attack is blocked then you get a smaller reward but still you earn something.

Pirate Kings Free Spins by sharing Unique Id each other

3. Try to become friends with random players in Pirate Kings. It is one of the best ways I’d recommend. You can give each other spins, cash and other rewards by sharing your unique ID with each other.

4. Play pirate quests and small events. During spins you can automatically play them. Although you don’t earn much but it’s a easier way to earn some.

Pirate Kings Free Cash from Daily Rewards

5. Everyday you can earn cash from daily rewards. You can win cash upto 1 billion. On every 5th day you get extra reward from bonus chest. Also every day special events occurs in
Pirate Kings that gives you advantage. You should read the event rules carefully before starting them.

So what do you do to earn extra cash in Pirate Kings? If you are good then good else try out these Pirate Kings free coins tips & tricks to get yourself reward.

About Subhahis

Subhahis has been a passionate gamer for over 25 years! He was born in the area of Kesthopur and remembers having to fight off her brother for the remote. Subhahis has been a writer and editor for over a year now and as well as leading up content management and editing at FreeRewards, He works for WriterArmy. His gaming preferences are very diverse, and he enjoys Kings Of Avalon, puzzle games, strategy games, and scary games.

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